Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Power Point Presentation on Energy
Self Critique

One of the first things I noticed while watching my video was that I managed to break the Cardinal Rule of talking in front of a group, and that was chewing gum, yuk, at least the video is a little bit dark so you can’t see it too much, because it is a little embarrassing. Also I think it would have been nice to have some kind of a pointer instead of using the video remote as a pointer. Also I need to work on voice projection, maybe if I didn’t have that big wad of gum in my mouth I would have sounded better.

Another big thing is that I was not as prepared as I should have been to actually give a presentation. I knew the material, but when you get up to do a presentation just knowing the material isn’t good enough, at least not for me, I know I’m not any good at “winging it”. I thought I could follow along with the PowerPoint and it would all go smoothly. It did go all right, but it wasn’t good. It actually makes interesting material boring if all you do is follow along with the presentation without making those interesting interjections that you should be doing as a presenter.

Valuable Lessons Learned:

• Don’t speak dumb – get rid of the gum (I just now made that up, I kind of like it)

• Follow the Boy Scout motto: Always be prepared

Click here to see this PowerPoint presentation on Teacher Tube.

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