Friday, December 7, 2007

Philosophy of Education Movie Maker and Me

I would have to agree that the movie maker is a bit clunky. I would think that having another channel to record would be a simple thing, and it probably is a simple thing, they just want you to buy it, and I guess that’s fair enough. So I ended up buying a twelve dollar microphone for my laptop and I played my i tunes on my computer, and then held the mic up to the speakers for a few seconds and then pulled it away and started talking, then when I was finished talking I put the mic back by the speakers again to finish.I did this so I could have music in the back ground while I was talking. This all sounds pretty simple, but it took a lot of tries to get it even close to right. And then when I finally got one that was at least okay, I listened to it, and noticed that I read my philosophy wrong. The vocals are a little soft too, but no matter what I did I kept getting those popping "P's", so I had to keep the vocals down, probably should have spent more on a microphone, the one I borrowed from Sitka High was even worse than the one I bought.
I published it anyway because I figured at this point in time everybody’s eyes glaze over and their minds go in a fog when they hear the words, “philosophy of education". But actually I had a lot of fun doing this,but I think it would have been more fun on a Mac.
So if you want to take look it's on teacher tube.

1 comment:

Dr. Townsend said...

Love it! Nice job on throwin' in the multi-cultural and multiple intelligences stuff! Smokin'!