Tuesday, September 4, 2007

EPIC 2015

This is a total freak out to me. I mean it's overwhelming. One hundred years from now, are countries going to invade other countries digitally or actually physically take over countries to gain access to their digital information. Yeah, well what about back in 1907, who thought we would be laser guiding missiles on one middle east country just to drive it out of another middle east country? Just for oil.

The idea of podcasting classroom information seems to be the most interesting and practical. Think about the possibility of never having to meet in a classroom. This makes sense as the classroom environment, especially for High School, is one of the most absurd environments I can think of, it makes more sense to hold classes in a mosh pit, or maybe in a place like the trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange. But if teachers could podcast lessons to students on a daily basis and then maybe meet students individually or in small groups for those that have questions or want to talk about the lessons- WOW.
The other idea of the possibility of news being brought to you by so many different podcast that is actually verifiable, and who would have thought of this: objective
The question is not whether all of this is the thing of the future, but more like when does the school yard bully show up? I'm talking about the corporate Orcas cruising the waters looking to gobble up the little morsels of digital seals, and then turning all the good free stuff into some kind of fee based system.

1 comment:

Dr. Townsend said...

Corporate orcas and digital seals...I love it!