Tuesday, September 25, 2007

There is a very healthy overall attitude toward using technology at Sitka High School. Mikolas and Joe are helpful and supportive. I have taken several classes over to the computer rooms for various projects and it is easy to sign up and find an available time. Because there are ample computers available you can have an average size class in the room and if there are a few students that come in and need to use computers for a project there are usually computers available. And there are computers in the library. I think that this willingness to spend money to make sure there are enough computers available is a good sign. The only thing that could be better would be one computer at each desk. This would be handy and useful but is not necessary when access to computers is readily available.

When I take a class to work on a project I find it a little worrisome that while most students are either e-mailing their work to their homes or saving it on a flash drive to work on at home, there are still too many students that do not have this luxury.

It is a luxury for some students and the problem is that it puts them behind and stifles their ability to keep up. It also seems to do something to their attitude about the work. The other minor flaw as I see it is that while the tech support is fantastic, I find it a little random in terms of access and this is no ones fault in particular, but rather a system thing and is actually not that difficult to work with. try this link

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