Sunday, October 7, 2007

Energy Project

1. How much fuel would I save if I ride my bicycle to Sitka High School for just three days a week? I’m using three days a week because for me this is a reasonable proposition.

2. I Googled “energy consumption,” and I got 9,050,000 results, has anybody else noticed this, and what does it mean. I clicked on the fifth entry down and looked at energy consumption for the US for the year 1997. One of the many available statistics was oil consumption for one day in the US, not the world. It was 18.92 million barrels per day. This is a stunning figure that should get you asking questions, like, where does all that oil come from? It should make a person consider how the world situation got to be the way it is. Some of these considerations would include greenhouse gasses, global warming, and various military invasions of oil producing countries, and while we are at it, we might as well throw Dick Cheney into the mix.

After I wrote this paragraph, I had to go back and double check that figure, because I just couldn't believe it, and sure enough that’s what it says.

3. Data needed will be the number of miles from home to Sitka High. Data for miles per gallon that my vehicle gets for this kind of driving will be needed.

4. The method for computing miles to Sitka High will be odometer readings. Several will be taken to insure accuracy. Miles per gallon fuel consumption will be done by filling the gas tank and writing down mileage taken from the odometer. Then I will drive a certain amount of miles, all of this driving will be the same driving style as the drive to Sitka High, basic short distance and stop and go. Then I will re-fill the gas tank writing down the total gallons put in the tank, this figure is the amount of gas consumed for this period. I will at the same time as filling the gas tank write down the new mileage on the odometer. This will give me total miles driven and amount of fuel used during this mileage period.This basic procedure will be repeated multiple times.


Amanda Gustaveson said...

Jeff, you are absolutely hilarious! Thanks for bringing a little laughter into my life with your blog. I'm sure that paragraph about googling wasn't necessarily aimed at being funny, but I can hear you saying it, with your particular style of emphasis and pauses, and man, I am entertained.

Dr. Townsend said...

Dude, you freakin' crack me up!